Each day is a journey. During this travel , you require refueling and bringing a lot of stuff together to run it smooth . To make it easier , we have for you SWADHARMA EVERYDAY GEAR . A one stop solution about everything you may need from the first swirl in the morning to the Sun down. Serve Yourself the Best !
This Swadharma Everyday Gear Includes :
1 Bottle of NEEM SWARAS (1000 ml)
1 Bottle of UDARAMRIT SWARAS (1000 ml)
1 Jar of CHYAWANPRASH (400 gm)
1 Jar of JUNGLE HONEY (250 gm)
1 Pack of FRUITS NUTS & MUSELI (500 gm)
1 Pack of FLAX SEEDS (250 gm)
1 Pack of BLACK CHIA SEEDS (250 gm)
1 Pack of PUMKIN SEEDS (200 gm)
1 Jar of AMRITA (100 gm)
1 Bottle of SWADISHT PACHAN CHURAN (100 gm)
1 Bottle of ALMOND OIL (100 ml)
1 Pack of TANGERINE CINNAMON SOAP (3 in a pack/100 gm each)
1 Bottle of CASTOR OIL (100 ml)
1 Bottle of ROSE FACE WASH (125 ml)
1 Bottle of LICORICE SHAMPOO (250 ml)
Live Swadharma Life #theSWADHARMAway
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