Price :

From   INR 409.00


When sealed in an airtight container, honey is has known to have an eternal shelf life. Edible honey has been found in several-thousand-year-old Egyptian tombs.

Honey’s longevity can be explained by its chemical makeup: The substance is naturally acidic and low in moisture, making it an inhospitable environment for bacteria.
Serve Yourself the Eternal Wonder
Serve Yourself the Best
Serve Yourself SWADHARMA


Laborious bees pecking forest flowers in full bloom from the forestlands of Uttarakhand; Procuring of natural apiculture, Sweetness of Swadharma Jungle Madhu makes it a wonderful option as topping and as a natural sweetener... 
   Bees work hard all summer to ensure they’ll have enough honey to sustain the hive through the winter. During the cold, bees occupy their time by clustering themselves around the queen and shivering their bodies to fill the hive with warmth. All that shivering burns a lot of calories, so honey makes for the perfect high-energy diet. Energize Yourself with Authentic & Natural. Honey is the ONLY food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including water. When sealed in an airtight container, honey is has known to have an eternal shelf life. Edible honey has been found in several-thousand-year-old Egyptian tombs.



Born of natural soil
Aqua of the mountain springs
Pollen of flowers and seeds
From fields far from fumes
Children of Mother Nature, the way we express our gratitude and concern towards environment is by not hoarding herbs in a go. We only take as much we can replenish by the time we harvest next. We wish for you, a happy body & mind.                


Adds flavour to food
Good for cardiovascular health
Treats respiratory diseases
Keeps hair & skin nourished.
Healthy great alternative for sugar
Boosts Immunity
Controls Acidity 

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